FEBRUARY MEETING: SUSAN MILINKOVICH: Critique: Light – Shadows / Light Theory
Reminder: Members and guests are to purchase dinner as our method of paying for their private dining room. Thank you.
Presenter: Susan Milinkovich
Topic: “Light or Shadows OR Interaction of Both”
Light can be natural – artificial, diffused – harsh, directional – flat, existing light, subtle – intense. Light has several basic properties that can fundamentally influence a photo. They include intensity, color, quality, and direction. Shadows can give a 3 dimensional feel. Subtle shadows can provide a sense of shape. A subject can come to life by how the combination of light and shadows are used.
Submit up to three images of per instructions and New Link below *
After Dinner Educational Program: Color Theory
“We can’t control color in nature, but we can consider the significance of color and make creative decisions to use the power of color in our photography. This program will teach you about the color wheel and hue, saturation and brightness. You will also learn how to use color as a composition tool, the proper camera exposures for dominte colors, and how to use color to evoke a mood or emotion in your photographs.
Susan Milinkovich BIO
Early on she developed a love of nature and an appreciation for the beauty to be found in our everyday world. Later she went on to learn from more than a handful of noted nature and landscape photographers. “While I enjoy capturing the larger landscapes, it is the intimate details, colors, textures, or design of a landscape, structure or flower that often draws my attention.” Today she enjoys teaching and sharing her passion for photography at the Great Smokey Mountains Institute at Tremont and gives presentations and workshops for camera clubs throughout our region.
*Instructions For Submitting Images For Critique:
Members may submit up to three images in JPEG FORMAT. • FINE PRINT: We can only guarantee critiquing your first image IF you rename your file accordingly: it includes FIRST, your priority number 1, 2 or 3. Then your last name, first initial and Title of your image. For Example: “1 D Jones Shadows” Deadline for submitting images will be 10:00 PM of the Friday prior to our meeting. • Sizing: reduce all images to Resolution of 72, and, for horizontal images 1024 pixels wide. For vertical images 736 pixels high. • OFF TOPIC IMAGES will be deleted at the request of several members. TO SUBMIT YOUR IMAGES on or after the FIRST OF THE MONTH TO:https://ovcc.smugmug.com/upload/Hmcnv6/12345