LIMITED TO OUR DUES PAYING EVENT MEMBERS AND OUR TRIAL MEMBERS. For Event Membership information write Rich at: [email protected]
PRESENTER: LIVE FROM CHICAGO HANK ERDMANN. Board of Directors, NANPA, Professional since 1980. Natural History and Travel Photography. https://hankphoto.photoshelter.com/
“Photography is a love affair with life.” — Burk Uzzle
“Great photography is about the depth of feeling, not the depth of field.” — Peter Adams
“Seeing is not enough; you have to feel what you photograph.” —
Andre Kertesz
PRESENTATION: “Abstracting Nature in a Photograph”
“What makes an Abstract? What is an Abstract? These questions and many more are answered in my program on creating abstract images in nature and of natural and other objects. The great thing is that your imagination is the only block in the creative process and nowhere more so than in abstraction. I look at the various meanings of the word, how it pertains to photography, and show many of the techniques and much of the equipment I use to make interesting and eye-catching images inspired by nature and more. This show is approximately one hour in length plus questions time.”
BIO: Hank Erdmann has been a professional photographer since 1980. Hank specializes in natural history and travel photography in North America. Publishing credits include hundreds of publications, periodicals and books.
Hank teaches photography workshops and seminars and has taught workshops for The National Park Service, The Nature Conservancy, NANPA – North American Nature Photography Association, The Sierra Club, Audubon, many Forest Preserves Districts, Schools , Camera Clubs and several organizations
Workshop information is available by emailing Hank at [email protected]
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Full Image Library at: hankphoto.photoshelter.com
Visit my Art Print Library at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/hank-erdmann
MASON, OHIO. Mason United Methodist Church, 6315 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. Easy Access off I-71 and I-75. Near North-West corner of Tylersville and Mason-Montgomery Roads.
ENTRANCE: Enter church property off Tylersville Road -Driveway with yard signs 400 ft. west of Mason-Montgomery Rd. Church Entrance is on North Side of their building. ENTER DOOR 2A, JUST LEFT OF MAIN ENTRANCE, INSIDE, FIRST DOOR ON LEFT.
SUBMIT UP TO THREE IMAGES (<2MB) IN JPEG FORMAT TO: https://ovcc.smugmug.com/upload/Hmcnv6/12345
FINE PRINT: We can only guarantee critiquing your first image IF You Rename Your File Accordingly: it includes FIRST, your priority number 1, 2 or 3. Then your last name, first initial and Title of your image. NAME is required only for administrative Purposes. For Example: “1 Jones D Shadows” Deadline for submitting images will be 10:00 PM of the Friday prior to our meeting.
Image Sizing: reduce all images to Resolution of 72, and, for horizontal images 1440 pixels wide. For vertical images 930 pixels high. • OFF TOPIC IMAGES will be deleted at the request of several members