Ohio Valley Camera Club MEANS EDUCATION.
Our Evening College brings so much more.

Submission Deadline Image Judging Maple Knoll 2020 Spring Exhibition


IMAGES MAY NOW BE SUBMITTED PER INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR JUDGING, until midnight, February 5th. Be sure you are current on your dues. If not, dues for our second-half are $10. Pay by check made out to Ohio Valley Camera Club, and send to OVCC, 6691 Fox Hunt Ct. West Chester, Ohio 45069.

OVCC now offers it’s participating members two exhibits annually at Maple knoll Retirement Village.

OPENING NIGHT RECEPTION: THURSDAY, MARCH 19TH FROM 5 TO 7 PM. Location: Maple Knoll Village, 11100 Springfield Pike, Cincinnati 45246.

Up to 60 images submitted for judging will be accepted for exhibit and sale. Submit up to 5 images for judging by midnight FEBRUARY 5TH. OPEN THEME with Secondary Theme of SPRINGTIME. TIP: Many times people will only buy what they relate to.

After following instructions per the link immediately below send Rich a message via Meetup.
http://www.ohiovalleycameraclub.com/index.php/maple-knoll-instructions NOTE: SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ARE NEW.

Exhibition Closes: FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2020.

You can post questions here or on the message board.

Looking forward to another successful exhibit. Normally we sell between 10 to 15 prints at each exhibit.