Hello, all photographers are welcome to our club. Amateur, Advanced, Professional, laid back, seeking to excel and accomplishments and comradery. At the Ohio Valley Camera Club, we support our members in a variety of ways. By training in a variety of methods, posting their images, offering opportunities to exhibit. We also bring our members a wide variety of opportunities: to get to know one another, to receive quality education programs and experience fun-filled times photographing locally (Cincinnati), regionally and nationally.
We normally average over sixty events per annually. We are one of the most active clubs in Ohio. We meet three times monthly:
Monthly Meeting: In-Person & Online: Professional Educational Presentation and Image Competition. 3RD Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 PM EST
Shoot and Debrief Informal Discussions – Online. The why’s and How’s behind your images – Last Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:45 PM EST
Evening College: Online. Formal Photography and Processing Classes. 2ND Tuesdays, 6:30 EST, 1 to 2 Hours
You are invited to get to know our club, our educational programming and our events for two months before submitting your dues. Dues for single membership are $30 and for a couple, $55.
Visiting Cincinnati, let us know when you are coming.

©Image by Joel Belsky
Rich Sears, Partner, Organizer
Fred Haaser, Partner, Co-Organizer
Joel Belsky, Assistant Organizer
David Smith, Webmaster