Cincinnati Fire Museum

3:00 pm: Tour
4:00 pm After Hours Photo Shoot until 5:00 pm
The museum honors past Cincinnati firefighting efforts, celebrates today’s firefighting advancements, and champions fire safety. Cincinnati has also been known for its prominent role in the technological and organizational development of the American Fire Department.
The building that now houses the Cincinnati Fire Museum was once home to the Engine Company #45 Fire House (in 1906). The Cincinnati Fire Museum is in the National Register of Historic Places because of its architectural design and the city’s primary architect, Harry Hake. When the Engine Company #45 was decommissioned in 1962 it became a city storehouse, and in 1980 was given new life as the Cincinnati Fire Museum.
The Volunteer Era Collection (1808-1852)
“This includes unique items that help outline the evolution of firefighting in Cincinnati and across the country.
The Steam Engine Era Collection (1853-1912)
The city is the home of the first paid professional fire department in the nation (in 1853) and became a model for other fire departments
The Modern Era Collection (1913-Present)
“The Safe House” is a place where a visitor can experience the true danger of a fire in their home.
**Preferably pay admission of $10 by check made out to Ohio Valley Camera Club