Sponsored by:
The Friends of Caesar Creek
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
Caesar Creek State Park
Tom Croce Photography
The Exhibition will take place between: August 31st, 2019 – December 31th, 2019, at the Caesar Creek Lake Visitor Center, located at 4020 N. Clarkesville Road, Waynesville, Ohio 45068.
Eligibility Requirements:
Adult Category – All professional and amateur photographers 18 years of age and older
Youth Category – Anyone 13-17 on the submission date. The entrant must be the solely responsible for all aspects of the photograph.
Entry Requirements:
The Exhibition / Competition is open to any image taken in any of the City, County, State, and Federal Parks or Nature Preserve located in the State of Ohio.
The entry process will consist of two parts.
The first part will consist of selecting approx. 30 images from all the images submitted for inclusion in the Photo Exhibition.
Submit up to 3 digital images for consideration via e-mail to [email protected]
Submit images in the following format:
JPEG, resized to 1024 pixels on the long side @ 72 DPI. File Naming – name individual file with the photographer’s first initial, followed by last name, A for adult, Y for youth, sequential image number, title, sale price.
Example naming format: jsmith_A_1_title_$100
Include your name, address, and email address, along with the titles of the photographs in the body of the email.
Submissions will be accepted starting May 1st 2019. All images must be received by July 31st 2019 at 11:59 PM.
You will be notified by August 15th, 2019 whether your work has been accepted or declined for inclusion in the Exhibition.
All work accepted must be received at the Caesar Creek Visitor Center between August 24th 2019 and August 27th during their normal business hours. All work accepted must be framed and ready to hang with a wire hanger, saw tooth hangers or similar hanging hardware will not be accepted. The maximum size of the final print, including frame cannot exceed 18”x26”
Submission of Digital images indicates your agreement to provide prints meeting these requirements. The judging and awards for the competition will be made from the prints submitted for the exhibition, all judge’s decision are final.
Best of Show – Photo Session* + TBD
1st Place, Adult & Youth – Photo Session*
2nd Place, Adult & Youth – $50 Gift Card to Procam, Photo & Video
3rd Place, Adult & Youth – $35.00 Credit for the gift shop
HM, Adult & Youth – Signed copy of “Ohio Landscape”
*Photo Session will consist of approximately 3-4 hours with Ohio certified naturalist Erin Shaw, Professional Photographers Robert Coomer and Tom Croce.
We will head out on the water in canoes to photograph the shore and wading birds that make Caesar Creek Lake their home during the month of September.
The exhibition will open on August 31st at 5:00 pm, and will remain through December 31st 2019 during regular operating hours.
Awards will be presented during the opening reception.
All reasonable care will be taken in handling the work submitted; however the sponsors or the judges will not be held responsible for loss or damage to framed photographs. All work is entered at artist’s risk.
Submission of the work to this exhibition shall be understood to indicate an agreement on the part of the photographer to the terms stated. The photographer retains all copyrights and ownership of submitted images, but grants FOCC, and Caesar Creek State Park use of digital image for promotion and publicity without compensation.
20% of the sale price will go to support the FOCC. 80% will be paid to the photographer within 30 days of the closing date.