Ohio Valley Camera Club MEANS EDUCATION.
Our Evening College brings so much more.

Sharon Woods – Fall Colors


Sharon Woods is the oldest park in the Great Parks of Hamilton County system. It’s 730 acres, and is made up of a 2.6 mile shared trail that follows the shore line of the parks biggest lake. There is also a .7 mile gorge trail and a 1.0 mile fitness trail. There is a large playground, water vehicles for rent, fishing and a golf course. Most interesting to photographers is the beautiful trees that create wonderful fall colors in late October and early November. The best place to take photographs is from the 2.6 mile (easy) trail around the lake. There are many outstanding vantage points to shoot from.
Entrance fee with pass is free, otherwise a single visit is $5.00 for Hamilton County residents and $8.00 for non-residents. An annual sticker is $10 for residents and $16 for non-residents.

OCTOBER MEETING: Critique Theme: Landscapes & Wild Life/Photography in Alaska



READ ONLY IF you are not current on Dues. This ONLINE presentation is for OVCC participating members only. Participating members have already paid our annual dues of $20 or are Trial Members. Join our club at: https://www.meetup.com/Ohio-Valley-Camera-Club SEE LINK at upper right corner of landing page. THEN REGISTER Your Attendance Below and Send YOUR MEETUP NAME (e.g. Jane Smith) and mention the October Meeting to: [email protected] to be able to participate.


Professional photographer David W. Shaw will be joining us on-line from Fairbanks, Alaska to critique your submitted images and then after a 5 minute break he will present on photography in Alaska (and opportunities to join in workshops where he is the instructor).

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING IMAGES: Submit up to three images TO: https://ovcc.smugmug.com/upload/Hmcnv6/12345

Members may submit up to three images in JPEG format. FINE PRINT: We can only guarantee critiquing your first image IF You Rename Your File Accordingly: it includes FIRST, your priority number 1, 2 or 3. Then your last name, first initial and Title of your image. For Example: “1 Jones D Shadows” Deadline for submitting images will be 10:00 PM of the Friday prior to our meeting.

Image Sizing: reduce all images to Resolution of 72, and, for horizontal images 1440 pixels wide. For vertical images 930 pixels high. • OFF TOPIC IMAGES will be deleted at the request of several members.

David is a Fairbanks, Alaska based professional photographer, writer, and photo educator. His images and writing have appeared thousands of times in publications across the world. He has written articles on the art of photography for magazines like Shutterbug, Professional Photographer, Amateur Photographer, Photo Technique, Bokeh, and others. He is also an instructor at the Digital Photography School and ExpertPhotography.

Dave’s writings on science and natural history have appeared in Sierra, Defenders, Alaska, Birds and Blooms, Birdwatching, UnDark, Scientific American, Ensia, and many others. He has a both undergraduate and masters degrees in wildlife biology and is an expert naturalist with a deep love for all wild things (but particularly birds).

Dave is a 20 year resident of Alaska and has spent most of those decades exploring the state’s many wild corners with his camera, and leading others on wilderness trips, photography expeditions, birding, and natural history tours. Internationally, he has traveled to dozens of countries on (almost) every continent, and loves sharing those places with others. He has guided on expedition ships in Antarctica and South America, birding and photo trips in South and Central America, and the list goes on.

UPCOMING: Classes—Instruction:
Arctic Aurora Workshop: 13-17 March and 1-5 April, 2021

Websites: .www.david-w-shaw.com & www.explore.david-w-shaw.com

Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park Photo Event





  1. We now have a docent (photographer Jerry Lynch) to show us around!
  2. However, he informed us that the park will be closing at 5 pm starting Oct. 4th so I have moved the start time up 2 hours to 2 pm, which will provide 3 hours to see & photograph the 335 acres. You could arrive after 2 pm if your schedule doesn’t fit.
  3. If you agree to give your photos to the Park they will waive your $8 entry fee. You will maintain your copyright and the park will provide a Photo Credit to you for any photos they may use. If you use your photo for commercial sales you will still be required to buy a Commercial Photographer Pass for $75.
  4. The Ancient Sculpture museum is still closed to the public but as docent Jerry can get us in with masks and no-contact of doors, etc.

Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park & Museum is a 335 acre sculpture park and outdoor museum combining the lure of nature with the dynamic presence of monumental art. Pyramid Hill’s rolling hills, meadows, lakes, gardens and miles of hiking trails provides the perfect backdrop to Experience Art In Nature in every season. In addition to the 80+ monumental outdoor sculptures, the grounds also feature a pioneer house dating to the 1820’s with an unusual arched ceiling.

Ancient Sculpture Museum – allows you to travel back in time and visit the Roman, Greek, Etruscan and Egyptian Empires. The Ancient Sculpture Museum houses over 60 pieces of sculpture where each piece is over a thousand years old.

We will meet up and then disperse maintaining safe distancing, which is easy given the size of the park. You can learn much more about the park at this link https://www.pyramidhill.org/

Admission: Adults: $8.00 for guests (members are free, see above if you are willing to give your images to the park)

Park Map: https://15fb8772-9e89-4dd2-8d55-c5844e9137dc.filesusr.com/ugd/ed0a34_c1f3717ad9db4985ae933b1143636aaa.pdf (copy and paste into your browser – ask at the Gate for a copy of the map).

Free Map App & Audio from the Artists:
· Hear audio from or about our artists
· Find images and locations of the sculptures
· Learn about the sculptures and artists

  1. Visit your app store and download Otocast
  2. Open the app and find Pyramid Hill under locations

Parking: you are welcome to park your car and walk, or use your car to get around the park (like Spring Grove Cemetery).

Park Guidelines:
Restrooms located at the Pavilion are OPEN
All park water fountains are shut OFF
We ask that all guests abide by 6 ft social distancing
Guests are not allowed to gather in groups of 10 or more (so we can break up into smaller groups, most will likely wander on their own)
Guests are not allowed to touch, climb, or sit on any of the sculptures

Raptor Shoot – Last Time This Year – Limit 10


RAPTOR INC. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of local birds of prey via rehabilitation, education and research.

Visit the Raptor, Inc. complex, where their educational birds will be displayed for your photographic pleasure. Birds are perched and hand held by the handlers. Photographers are as close as 10-15 feet from the birds and have lots of time to shoot. Tripods and telephoto lenses of 200-400mm are recommended, however, not necessary. NO FLASH.

You need not me be a member to attend and you may bring a guest, but all attendees, including non photographer guests, must pay the fee because of space limitations and Raptor, Inc. policy. All monies are for the benefit of Raptor, Inc. to help them continue their great efforts.

Cost is $22 per attendee. Payment holds your spot.

Sunday, October 11 Raptor Shoot 10:00 – 11:30 am

Preferably pay by check made out to Ohio Valley Camera Club, mailed to 6691 Fox Hunt Ct. West Chester, Ohio 45069. Specify Date and Provide Email for possible contact. We loose $2 if cc is used. Does your name on your check match your name with OVCC – if not change in your Profile – See Coment below.* To pay by check attempt to register, ignore request to pay by cc then send your check as instructed. Thank you.

Music Hall Outdoor Guided Tour and Shoot


10:00 AM – Meet across Elm street from the main entrance to Music Hall in Washington Park to capture nice architectural shots with deeper sky coloration.

10:30 AM – Meet in front of the steps to the Main Entrance for our 1 hour 15 mintue Outdoor Guided Tour and Shoot.

Explore Music Hall’s history, the symbolism and design of the architecture, the challenges at every step of construction, and the people who made it happen, along with information on the culture and society of the neighborhood in 1878.

Historians, preservationists, architecture enthusiasts and adventurers alike will gain new insight into why Cincinnati Music Hall truly merits its designation as one of the best and most beautiful concert halls in the world. Please note this tour does not go inside Music Hall.

MASKS: All guests and guides are required to wear a mask or face covering. SOCIAL DISTANCING: Keep a distance of at least 6 feet.

**We have to submit our tour payment in less than one week, so your prompt payment of $16 is appreciated. As always, payment holds a spot.

Payment by check prefered : Send check payable to Ohio Valley Camera Club (not OVCC) to OVCC, 6691 Fox Hunt Ct., West Chester, Oh 45069 for $16 per person

Cathedral Basilica Saint Peter and Chains Tour and Photo Shoot


Wear Face Masks and Social Distance.

First we will be given a one hour tour including architectural history, many behind the scenes fecets including the Arch Bishop area and a photo shoot. “On June 29, 2020, Pope Francis granted the title of Minor Basilica to St. Peter in Chains Cathedral. The title is given to churches around the world in recognition of their historical or cultural importance, artistic beauty and significance in the life of the Church. The title denotes a closer relationship to the Pope. They will celebrate their 175th Anniversary this November.

First, we will be given a one-hour tour including architectural history, many behind the scenes locations, including the Archdiocese area and a photo shoot. Their parish just received the rare distinction of being designated as a minor Basilica. They will celebrate their 175th Anniversary this November.

The large stone angels that were on each side of the main altar were created by Odoardo Fantacchiotti in the late 1840s. They now grace the Cincinnati Art Museum’s Cincinnati wing. They were among the first European sculptures to come to Cincinnati.

The interior of Saint Peter in Chains is distinctly unique among Roman Catholic cathedrals in America, with its Greek-themed mosaics depicting the Stations of the Cross, its ornate Corinthian columns and its massive bronze doors.

The crucifix was made by Benvenuto Cellini, the murals by Carl Zimmerman and the mosaic in the apse is by Anton Wendling.
“The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Peter in Chains is a historic downtown cathedral. Over the years, the Cathedral has been the site of many significant celebrations in the life of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The Cathedral continues to serve as the scene for a wide range o Archdiocesan celebrations and events, and groups holding conventions in Cincinnati often use the Cathedral for liturgies or concerts.
In contrast to all the large-scale celebrations, the Cathedral parish quietly ministers to the poor of the area and to the constant stream of people who come to participate in the sacraments…confirmations, baptisms, marriages and funerals-and of course the daily celebration of Mass and reconciliation-continue the living story of the Cathedral Basilica.”

Do consider leaving a donation.

“Covered Bridge Capital of the World” Parke County Indiana


Above Photograph By Greg Matcheck

Let’s head over to western Indiana to capture a majority of the 31 Covered Bridges, all found in a rustic, charming settings. We will meet at 8:15 am and depart 8:30 am the morning of Tuesday, October 29th, stay one night, and enjoy a second day amongst the Covered Bridges and Fall leaves. HOWEVER, BEFORE YOU REGISTER TO GO, you need to be flexible on actual days that week. If the weather forecast one to two days in advance is not favorable, we will move our dates back one to two days.

Trip Limited to 10 Photographers. Registration Fee: $25 will be paid at time of registration to complete your registration and assure your spot. Your $25 will be refunded if you go or if the trip is cancelled altogether. We will be staying in Rockville Indiana at the Quality Econo-Lodge. According to fellow members the accommodations are clean and livable, but not luxurious. All we need.

Group hotel rate Quality Hotel discount rate of $55 + tax = $61.50, payable upon check in. Location: 1659 East Township Hwy, Rt, 36, Rockville, IN.

Depart 8:30 am Tuesday, October 29th, return next afternoon.
Carpooling recommended from Cincinnati. We’ll figure out a departure point later. Carpooling will be required in Parke County due to limited parking in some areas.

Our club is holding a block of rooms discounted to $55 + $6.50 tax. Everyone call your reservation in and refer to Ohio Valley Camera Club. (765) 569 – 3430. Room cancellation up to day of arrival prior to 4pm.

Autumn in The Smoky Mountains


Join us in the beautiful Great Smoky Mountains National Park for 3 days of photographing the beautiful colors of autumn. We will spend several hours each day, as long as the light allows, shooting the landscapes located in and around Cades Cove, Tremont, Roaring Fork, just to name a few. The exact location and subjects will be determined by the weather.
The fee for this workshop is $400, and payment is required to reserve your spot.
https://www.tomcrocephoto.com/Workshops-Seminars. Select Workshops and Seminars.

The Ohio Valley Camera Club is pleased our good member and many time Critiquer and Presenter, Tom Croce is inviting our members to his workshop. Tom is handling all the information requests and registrations at his given site. Indicating your interest in attending on the OVCC Meetup site does not register you for Tom’s event.

ON THE ROAD – Photographer Ernie Martin



Images related to streets, highways, dirt roads, day or night shots, with or without vehicles / pedestrians. It is highly suggested for your personal growth as a photographer to apply yourself in preparing your images.

AFTER DINNER PRESENTATION: “How Wild Is It?” wild life photography by Ernie Martin

ERNIE MARTIN BIO: Ernie Martin has enjoyed photography for 20 years, including helping others learn how to improve their work. While he favors outdoor photography of all types, his passion is wildlife photography. Ernie is co-founder and long-time active member of the West Chester Photo Club. He is certified as a judge by the Photographic Society of America.

CRITIQUE METHOD: A great way for all photography skill levels to learn how to improve, along with having a great time.

IMAGE DIRECTIONS: Upload up to 3 images per requirements below to: http://ovcc.smugmug.com/upload/5pbcWM/ovcckey

Rename your file:”1 (2 or 3) Last Name, First Initial,
Title Example: “2 Brown, R. Father and Son”}

INSTRUCTIONS: DO NOT UPLOAD MORE THAN ONE IMAGE AT A TIME. Prepare your file for upload to the OVCC Critique site by following these procedures. Members may submit up to three images in JPEG FORMAT. • Depending on quantity of images submitted we may not be able to review all second and third images. FINE PRINT: WE CAN ONLY GUARANTEE CRITIQUING YOUR FIRST IMAGE SUBMITTED. Deadline for submitting images will be 10:00 PM of the Friday prior to our meeting.

• Sizing: reduce all images to Resolution of 72, and, for horizontal images 1024 pixels wide. For vertical images 736 pixels high. Off Topic images will be deleted at the request of several members.

TO SUBMIT YOUR IMAGES on or after the FIRST OF THE MONTH to: https://ovcc.smugmug.com/upload/5pbcWM/ovcckey

Raptor Shoot – SOLD OUT Next Raptor Shoot April 2020


Visit the Raptor, Inc. complex, where their educational birds will be displayed for your photographic pleasure. Birds are perched and hand held by the handlers. Photographers are as close as 10-15 feet from the birds and have lots of time to shoot. Tripods and telephoto lenses of 200-300mm are recommended, however, not necessary.

All the Raptor Shoots have been scheduled for this year. We have decreased from 8 per year to 4 per year due to falling attendance over the last couple of years. If you want to participate in this event, you should get your spot sooner than later to guarantee a spot. If there is renewed interest in this event, I will contact the Raptor folks and ask for additional events, but we would like to make sure the ones we have scheduled get filled.

You need not me be a member to attend and you may bring a guest, but all attendees, including guests, must pay the fee. All monies are for the benefit of Raptor, Inc. to help them continue their great efforts.

Sunday, April 14, 2019 – Raptor Shoot
Sunday, May 19, 2019 – Raptor Shoot
Sunday, September 15, 2019 – Raptor Shoot
Sunday, October 13, 2019 – Raptor Shoot

If you do not care to pay online, you may contact Rick and make other arrangements.

All non photographer guests are required to pay, simply because of the space limitations and Raptor, Inc. policy.