Image Above by Tina Karle
REGISTRATION CLOSES 4PM day of our monthly meeting.
TIPS: Some considerations when shooting waterfalls.
Are you wanting to capture silky waterfalls or stop action?
If silky, use tripod, lowest ISO, shutter speed 1 to 4 sec. unless you are photographing roaring waterfall, then .25 sec to 1 sec.
Time of Day: when the falls are shaded, or consider at sunrise or sunset when the light is soft.
Take two exposures and combine. First make your best shot. Then view to see if leaves and shrubs on the banks are blurred by a breeze. If so, then from same position, take another image with enough speed to capture the surroundings not blurred.
Then in Photoshop combine your two images.
PROGRAM: Waterfall Photography
Tina will share how she got started in waterfalls and how it led her to research, learning topography maps and then a suggestion to write a book so all can enjoy what we were finding. She will explain about the books. Also, about how it led to her to pursuing a photography degree through the mail with my own professional photographer teacher from the school. She will endeavor to chat on how waterfalls are a fun hobby and all the details involved in enjoying that hobby, along with what lenses are required etc. From there she will talk about being out on the trail and explaining waterfall photography and details about photographing waterfalls. I will lead in with how I joined the camera club and the interesting story behind that. From there I will talk about when or when NOT to share a waterfall on social media and the pitfalls or controversy it can create. I will talk about how I go about finding the waterfalls we find and mention about each state we have been to about the geology, followed up by any questions anyone might have.
Submit up to three images in JPEG FORMAT TO: https://ovcc.smugmug.com/upload/Hmcnv6/12345
FINE PRINT: We can only guarantee critiquing your first image IF You Rename Your File Accordingly: it includes FIRST, your priority number 1, 2 or 3. Then your last name, first initial and Title of your image. NAME is required only for administrative Purposes. For Example: “1 Jones D Shadows” Deadline for submitting images will be 10:00 PM of the Friday prior to our meeting.
IMAGE SIZING: reduce all images to Resolution of 72, and, for horizontal images 1440 pixels wide. For vertical images 930 pixels high. • OFF TOPIC IMAGES will be deleted at the request of several members
Tina Karle has a degree in Photography from New York Institute of Photography and over nineteen years of in the field experience in landscape photography. She is the author of Falling Waters of Ohio (109 Hikeable Falls in Ohio), Falling Waters of Ohio; a coffee table book, 200 Waterfall Hikes in Ohio, Celebration of Flowers, 120 Waterfall Hikes Around Cincinnati Ohio, 110 Waterfall Hikes Around Madison Indiana, 85 Waterfall Hikes of Dayton, 200 Waterfalls of Northeast Ohio, 55 Waterfall Hikes of Louisville Kentucky, 155 Waterfall Hikes of Kentucky, 300 Tristate Waterfall Hikes of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, and Tumbling Waters of Ohio(Coffee Table) was born and raised in Ohio and grew up mostly in Kentucky. Her enjoyment of looking for new falls with her husband; has kept her on a continual journey throughout Ohio, Indiana, New York and now Kentucky. Using her professional photographers keen eyesight and with the help of God’s good grace, for rain, she used her passion for waterfalls and put together books for all to enjoy. When not traveling around the states looking for waterfalls or flowers, she resides near Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, three cats, and four parrots. Other hiking books will be coming out soon on Seneca and Cayuga Finger Lakes area New York Waterfalls, revised Dayton Waterfall Hikes, Cincinnati Waterfall hikes; revised, Grayson Lake area waterfalls, and Indiana Waterfall Hikes!