Ohio Valley Camera Club MEANS EDUCATION.
Our Evening College brings so much more.

SEPTEMBER MEETING NIKHIL BAHL / Power of Simplicity and Expression


{READ ONLY IF you are not current on Dues: This ONLINE presentation is for OVCC participating members only. SEE INFO AT BOTTOM.}*


CRITIQUE THEME: Nature Photography: Natural or Creative

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: Power of Simplicity and Expression. What are you trying to say with your photography? Since photography is a form of visual communication, all photographers should strive for simplicity in their photographs. With a complicated image, the message may not be obvious to the viewer. Simplicity and clarity in thought, process and technique can lead to expressive images that evoke emotion. In his presentation, Nikhil will discuss the inherent connection between simplicity and expression, share ideas on how photographers can make their images more meaningful and convey their message in a distinct style.

https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrceGsrzsoH9Ws8jLsownSfVSjA5i-Kknd ALSO INDICATE BELOW YOU WILL BE ATTENDING.
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BIO: NIKHIL BAHL is a full time professional photographer, author, educator, workshop instructor and environmentalist residing in the Washington D.C. area. Drawing continuous inspiration from nature, Nikhil adopts novel approaches and seeks meaningful interpretations: to create photographs that transcend the commonplace, reflect deeper insights, and convey an enchantment of the subject’s beauty.

An offshoot of Nikhil’s fine art photography and love of nature is his documentation of wildlife behaviors and habitats. As a volunteer with the National Park Service and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, his goal is to portray environmental stories with an artistic appeal, so his photographs educate and motivate about the imperative of conservation.

Each year Nikhil leads numerous photography tours and instructional workshops in the United States and abroad. His teaching encourages participants to advance beyond ordinary photos and develop their own style and vision. Nikhil is a popular speaker at photography clubs, expos and industry events. He authored the acclaimed ebook, Creative Interpretations and writes articles on the creative and technical aspects of photography. His work can be viewed at www.nikhilbahl.com.

INSTRUCTION FOR SUBMITTING IMAGES: Submit up to three images in JPEG FORMAT TO: https://ovcc.smugmug.com/upload/Hmcnv6/12345

FINE PRINT: We can only guarantee critiquing your first image IF You Rename Your File Accordingly: it includes FIRST, your priority number 1, 2 or 3. Then your last name, first initial and Title of your image. NAME is required only for administrative Purposes. For Example: “1 Jones D Shadows” Deadline for submitting images will be 10:00 PM of the Friday prior to our meeting.

Image Sizing: reduce all images to Resolution of 72, and, for horizontal images 1440 pixels wide. For vertical images 930 pixels high. • OFF TOPIC IMAGES will be deleted at the request of several members.

  • NOT YET AN EVENT MEMBER: Event members share in the costs of running a highly active club and have already paid our annual dues or are Trial Members. If you are a member, and wish to participate in club events write me at [email protected].