British Transportation Museum

Greetings, OVCC. I have a friend who is involved in the British Transportation Museum in Dayton. He has invited photographers to come to the museum and photograph the cars and other forms of transportation (including a tractor, bicycles, and an Irish currach) on site. Here are the details:
>>> This “museum” is a work in progress and not yet really open to the public. One way to describe it is a group of car (old British cars) enthusiasts putting together a museum. There will be car enthusiasts there working on cars.
>>> The lighting inside the building “is not the best,” so if you have lights you’d like to bring and set up, or you want to shoot with flash, that is fine. Tripods are fine, too.
>>> There are restrooms available in the building, but they are “primitive.” Plan accordingly.
>>> There is no cost to enter the museum, but donations are welcome. Also, these are guys spending the day working on cars. Donations of doughnuts, cookies, chips & dip/salsa, 2-liters of soda, or other snacks would be welcome (but not required).
>>> The building itself is an old warehouse/box/carton factory and may lend itself (aside from the cars) to some interesting photos. Apparently some of the box-making machinery is still in the building. The place is grungy, so don’t wear your Sunday best.
>>> There is adequate parking; a parking lot and on-street parking, for a number of vehicles.
>>> The main guy there is Pete; he knows that photographers are coming. My friend is Kevin; he also knows we’re coming, of course. We are welcome to come and go during the day while the guys are there, between about 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.
>>> The address is 321 Hopeland St. Dayton, OH 45417. It’s fairly close to the University of Dayton arena and Carillon Park, if you’re familiar with those locations. They have a website: and a video: