Upload you images to the Critique Album here:
PLACE YOUR DINNER ORDER UPON ARRIVAL AT THEIR BAR. Mention OVCC and your first and last names. Food will be delivered to our room.
CRITIC: WILLIAM MANNING – I have seen William critique and share photography and processing suggestions. He is one of our most knowledgeable and top presenters and trainers.
My Story:
My studio location is always on the move, its not because I haven’t paid the rent, it’s because my projects can’t come to me. I move my studio from assignment to assignment, it can be found anywhere in the world. These assignments might be a travel or architectural assignment, a book project or some other cool creative things. I have worked across the United States, and abroad in crowded places like Bangkok, the dusty plains of the Serengeti, amongst the medieval structures of old Europe, and many other beautiful and exciting locations.
Professional Highlights in a Nutshell:
• 1990 to present: Owner and operator of William Manning Photography Workshops and Natures Light Photography Tours. Lead photo tours across North America, Europe, Asia and Africa.
• 1990 to present: Assignment photographer for travel industry. Published many travel related articles, products and promotional photography.
• 2019 to present: Publisher of online e-magazine, Photography Solutions.
• 1994 to present: Assignment photographer for architectural industry. Won many design awards for Architectural photography.
• Stock Photographer: Corbis, Getty, Alamy, other.
• Books published by various publishing houses (from most recent to first):
Louisville: A Photographic Portrait, Cincinnati: A Photographic Portrait, Fodor’s Ohio Travel Guide, The Photographers Travel, Cincinnati Travel Guide.
March/April 2019 Photography Solutions Ezine
Photography Solutions E-Magazine is a free online magazine designed to help photographers with creative issues that we all encounter on a daily basis. Each issue will feature new and favorite plug-ins and software designed for photography. Creative tips on how to improve your photography or help photographers out of a creative block. We also share fun, unique and often lesser or unknown locations for photography. View an issue of Photography Solutions below and sign up to receive future issue absolutely free.
I bring 25 years of experience to every tour I lead and a wealth of knowledge to help others grow as both photographer and artist.
INSTRUCTIONS: DO NOT UPLOAD MORE THAN ONE IMAGE AT A TIME Prepare your file for upload to the OVCC Critique site by following these procedures: Members may submit up to three images in JPEG FORMAT. • Depending on quantity of images submitted we may not be able to review all second images. FINE PRINT: WE CAN ONLY GUARANTEE CRITIQUING YOUR FIRST IMAGE SUBMITTED, AND IF IT INCLUDES YOUR FULL NAME WITHIN THE TITLE Deadline for submitting images will be 10:00 PM of the Friday prior to our meeting. • Sizing: reduce all images to Resolution of 72, and, for horizontal images 1026 pixels wide. For vertical images 736 pixels high. • Rename your file: Last Name, First Initial, Image Title, followed by #1 for first image and #2 for second image. Example: Sears, R. – My Image #1 Off Topic images will be deleted at the request of several members. TO SUBMIT YOUR IMAGES on or after the FIRST OF THE MONTH We are asking all to chip in to help defray the cost of our appreciation gifting to our speakers. A great way for all photography levels to learn how to improve, along with having a great time.